Our car-free commuting toolkit has posters, images for social media, email signatures and a quiz – all of which you can use in your workplace and on your website or social media to tell your staff and customers how you’re taking climate-friendly action.

Ways to use the toolkit

We made this toolkit for organisations to use internally, though feel free to use any of the posters or other images on your social media, if you want to share what your organisation is doing to encourage climate-friendly transport.

  • If your office gathers to do the daily quiz, add our transport quiz to the mix and see who's the most clued-up.
  • Put the posters up in high-traffic areas - the coffee machine, inside lifts and stairwells, anywhere someone might need a diversion for a few moments!
  • Using the desktop wallpapers, email signature and intranet tiles will show a really strong commitment to low-carbon transport, but you'll need to tell your staff why you're committed, and bring them along on the journey.

Some thought starters for an internal email or intranet post:

  • Tell your staff why cleaner commuting is important to the business: does it align with your values? Will it improve staff wellbeing? What's in it for them?
  • Reinforce and congratulate staff for the clean commuting that's already going on - use the stats in our posters to let people know how much carbon they're saving by using active or public transport (or working from home).
  • Offer incentives, where you can.
  • Be inclusive. There will be people who, for all sorts of reasons, have to use a car. We know that public and active transport won't be for everyone, but if people who can use it, do, it's better for all of us, including drivers.

Support staff with low carbon commuting and travelling

Our research shows 72% of NZ businesses provide car parking, yet only 22% provide bike parking. On a positive note, 54% of people would like to cycle more and 40% would like to use public transport more. With jumping in the car being the most stressful way to get to work* there are so many great reasons to ditch the car for the work commute!

  • Does your organisation offer secure bike parking, showers and lockers? People are far more likely to bike or walk if they have access to these facilities.
  • Offer incentives where you can. Subsidise public transport, walking shoes or e-bikes, encourage active commuting and car-pooling. Offer a work from home day and you’ll reduce commuting emissions by 20%
  • Some leading organisations have removed staff carparks altogether.
  • It’s also a great time to consider low or no-carbon rental vehicles, do you carbon-offset staff flights?

*Source Waka Kotahi

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